Green Tree Frogs
Each year monsoonal rains sweep across the Top End and the green tree frogs clamber from their hiding places to feed, breed and sing! Green Tree Frogs is an affectionate celebration of these cheeky characters and of life in the wet season. It also provides an entertaining insight into the amphibious life cycle.
About the Author and Illustrator
Sandra lives in Darwin, The Northern Territory with her partner and two girls and works in her studio under their troppo house making pictures with oils, mixed media and digital montage to tell stories. She draws inspiration from the local environment and ecology. Sandra is the author of Quoll and The Bushwalk, Welcome Little Scrubfowl and has illustrated Surprise for Dingo, all published by Windy Hollow Books. NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell recently presented The Bushwalk to Princess Mary of Denmark as a gift for the royal twins.